THC cannabinoid – Tetrahydrocanabinol

thc ckd cannabinoids

THC is one of the two most important cannabinoids of the cannabis plant (the other is the CBD cannabinoid). Both cannabinoids have the same chemical composition:


The difference between the cannabinoids THC and CBD is that they do not have the same chemical arrangement, so the body perceives them as different compounds. THC is therefore a compound, a cannabinoid, which, among others, is secreted by the glands (trichomes) of the cannabis plant. More of these glands are found around the reproductive organs of the plant than on any other part of the plant. THC has an antibacterial effect on our body.

thc konoplja

One of the main reasons why the hemp plant produces the cannabinoid THC is to protect against pathogens. This is how cannabinoids also affect our body – antibacterial. THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid and works similarly to the cannabinoid chemicals our bodies naturally produce.
Let’s take a closer look at how the THC cannabinoid works. The THC cannabinoid mimics anandamide (an endogenous cannabinoid) in its action because the chemical structure of THC is so similar to the chemical structure of anandamide in the brain that it allows our body to recognize the THC cannabinoid and thus alters the brain’s normal communication. By mimicking anandamide when binding to receptors, THC activates neurons in the brain and affects our mind and body. 

Endogenous cannabinoids (such as anandamide) are neurotransmitters that send chemical messages between nerve cells throughout the nervous system. In doing so, they affect memory, concentration, thinking, movement, pleasure, coordination and perception. Cannabinoid receptors are also concentrated in the area of the brain associated with thinking, pleasure, memory, coordination, time perception, etc. 

thc kanabinoid

THC changes the normal communication of the brain. The THC cannabinoid therefore binds to these receptors, activates them and, of course, affects all the aforementioned factors. In doing so, it changes the brain’s normal communication. This can manifest itself in impaired thinking and disturbances in learning and work. The cannabinoid THC also affects the function of the cerebellum through its action, which is manifested by disturbances in balance, coordination, posture, reaction and movement. Let’s also mention the effect of “euphoria”, where the cannabinoid THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine and can lead to addiction. purposes. And very successfully. It is worth highlighting the effect of THC cannabinoid on many conditions:

  • pain – as a compound of cannabis, it activates pathways in the central nervous system that can block the sending of pain signals to the brain,
  • anti-inflammatory effect,
  • effect on spasms,
  • effect on nausea,
  • effect on appetite – diseases such as AIDS and dementia can lead to loss of appetite. The result is severe malnutrition, in the worst case, death.
thc struktura

THC increases appetite and also affects better taste.

  • THC can open the airways in the lungs – successful action in glaucoma,
  • antitumor action,
  • THC also protects brain cells from damage.< br>Let’s use THC wisely.

The correct use of THC cannabinoid brings many benefits, both mentally and physically. On the psyche, we should mention greater creativity, psychological relief and good sleep. In the body, mainly pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory action and action on tumor cells. No, THC is by no means an “evil” cannabinoid. It has its own laws of operation, and we have been given reason, with the help of which we can use it wisely!

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