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The cultivation of hemp and the production of hemp products and CBD and CBG extracts are becoming more and more recognizable among people for their beneficial effects on health and well-being. At Agrosloven, we strive to cooperate with partners with whom we share similar values in our operations. These include drive, creativity and a great desire to overcome obstacles every day. With our work and products, we strive to improve the quality of people’s lives and help them achieve their daily goals more easily. We always supply fresh hemp products and its active ingredients, such as cannabinoid CBD.
The Agrosloven brand proudly stands behind its own products and raw materials. We are committed to solid and mutual cooperation with you, our business partners. Your success is also our success. We believe that with common strengths we can positively influence the lives of others, so we provide a personal and genuine partnership relationship. If you are interested in a product that is not currently in stock or on sale, do not hesitate to contact us.
In the Agrosloven cooperative, we try to bring our products to as wide a circle of people as possible. Our operation also includes wholesale trade. We also offer products on which we place your printed materials and information. Long-standing and solid partnership relationships enable us to consistently supply and quality products, competitive prices and knowledge of the origin of products. With our operation, we strive for the best services with which we can satisfy your business needs.
We offer a competitive “white-label” service and wholesale “bulk” products for both small startups and larger international organizations. Since we strive to provide the best possible customer support, you can be sure that our joint cooperation will further strengthen your brand name and company reputation.
For business cooperation, you can call us at: +386 40 12 96 72 or +386 40 206 022
If you would like our wholesale price list or have more questions, contact us via contact form. Good news, we don’t have minimum orders. Check our offer.
Wholesale CBD flower
CBD flower is a legal product, usually used in the production of hemp extracts for the production of hemp CBD drops, pastes, capsules,… CBD flower can also be smoked in the classic way or with the help of a vaporizer. CBD hemp flower is an excellent alternative for people who enjoy smoking cannabis, but want to avoid the feeling of dizziness, i.e. hits.
Legal CBD flower is non-psychoactive and contains high amounts of CBD and low levels of THC. Read more information on the blog.
Wholesale of BIOMASS
Hemp biomass is the organic material of industrial hemp. It is obtained after picking/harvesting and processing flowers. Different hemp products are usually made from biomass, such as hemp oil, food, creams and the like. Many producers also use biomass to obtain hemp extracts, CBD distillate and CBD isolate.
Biomass parts such as stems and fibers can be used in alternative ways, most often as energy fuel. Read more information on the blog.
KIEF Wholesale
Kief is a collection of resinous trichomes that form on cannabis leaves and flowers. Trichomes are tiny, shiny, bulbous glands that can be seen in the late stages of cannabis flowering. When the trichomes are separated from the hemp plant material, kief is created. The word comes from Arabic and means “pleasure” or “intoxication”. In its base, kief contains a high concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes, much higher than the classic flower of industrial hemp.
At the same time, kief is less potent than extracted concentrates such as cannabis extracts. Kief is also known as “dry sift” or “pollen”. It can be recognized by the appearance of shiny, powder-like crystals. High-quality kief is usually light brown or “blonde” in color and has a strong aroma. The greener Kief contains residual vegetable matter and is not as pure or concentrated as the lighter version. Read more information on the blog.
Full-spectrum products are extracts that contain almost all plant molecules, from terpenes to cannabinoids, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These products may also contain other molecules such as flavonoids.
Certain researchers believe that cannabis compounds work synergistically to create an “entourage effect” where the effects of cannabinoids and terpenes are amplified when consumed together. Read more information on the blog.
“Broad-spectrum CBD” extracts are similar to those of full spectrum. The bigger difference is in the THC content. Full-spectrum CBD extracts must contain less than 0.2% THC, while “broad-spectrum” CBD extracts contain an amount of THC that cannot be detected in coa tests.
Very interesting for consumers looking for a CBD extract without THC molecules. Read more information on the blog.
It is a 99+% pure concentration of isolated CBD cannabidiol. It is recognizable as a white crystalline powder made from industrial hemp.
It is the purest extract available, perfect for anyone planning to develop 0% THC products. Read more information on the blog.